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Image by Antonino Visalli

100 Wise Women

If you could pass on one wisdom from all the lessons you have learned, what would it be?

I love women. I am proud to be a women. We are warriors and nurtures. We are creative and stubborn. We are gentle and fragile. We are resilient and flexible. We are……..well, we just are.

Like us all, I have faced pain and challenges. In my darkest hours I have found great comfort and wisdom in the woman who I am blessed to have as my friends and family.  Often they would tell me a story, or come out with a “one liner” that was so simple and honest, that I could not understand why I had not seen it before.

 I started to write these down  and to recall the words I remembered from the women in my life who are no longer with us. I thought how great would it be to read through the stories of ordinary women who in their own way are all extraordinary? How great would it be if they could each share one “wisdom” that they would like to pass onto others.  Is there something they have learned that has changed their lives?

Can we make a community of women committed to helping other women navigate this crazy life that we all live? Could someone else’s words be exactly the right words, at the right time for someone in trouble?


If you could pass on one wisdom from all the lessons you have learned along the way,

what would it be?


Below is the beginning of the collection of their responses- do some of them hold true for you?

If you would like to add your reflection, just email me and I can include it. Use your name or make one up, choose an image that you love or represents you or add your photo. No other details needed.


I will stop when I get to 100!

Or maybe not.....

Red Doors

1.Bhakti: School Principal from US

Make your voice heard- your voice matters.

We don’t know how long we have on this planet so make sure you use your time well. Shout from the roof tops about the things you believe in. Never turn away from injustice. Speak what needs to be spoken. Change what needs to be changed. Name what needs to be named. Question what needs to be questioned. Never be silent as long as there is suffering and injustice in the world. Speak also for yourself. For your rights and freedoms. Speak your mind with courage and conviction. Make your position and your boundaries clear. Your voice is your most powerful tool- use it with passion.


Sadly, the world lost an amazing women when Bhakti passed away suddenly in 2019.

Baby Elephant

2.Penny: From Rhodesia and UK

In all that you do be kind.

In the fast egocentric world we live in, kindness is often in short supply and  is  consider old-fashioned. We might see mothers telling small children to be kind to a sibling, but we don’t see corporations asking if their actions are kind to employees. It seems that kindness gets in the way of making money, of getting what you want and of competition.  Kindness is sometimes associated with weakness, but it is the greatest human strength. Imagine if every action we took, was taken with kindness to ourselves, others and our planet. Imagine if we always considered if our actions would be hurtful before we acted. What a world it would be!


Blurred people mingling

3.Lilly: Artist from Austria 

Find your own path. 

The world would like us to think that we belong to them. It tries to trap and induce us to follow the path they set. They create illusions. They tell us what is beautiful. They tell us what is successful. They tried to tell us what we should think and feel and what is right and what is wrong. So much suffering comes when we judge ourselves against their standards and fall short. Do not listen to them, listen only to your heart and if you can’t hear it, listen harder, because it is there.  


Keep watching this space as I add more from wise women- just like you!

Wisdoms from One Woman to Another

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