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Image by Brandon LeClaire

From me to you.........

Life is about making the most of the time given to us.

​Thanks for visiting my website.

This is a collection of my thoughts and reflections about my life journey.

Maybe some of these will be of interest, and will help you a little as you navigate your own path . 

Tricia (Annie) Mason-Smith​

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I have travelled independently to 169 countries and have been on the road 13 years  full time in the last 40 years.  Check-out my travel blogs and see what independent travelling is all about. 

I am a women and mother who has journeyed some highs and lows in the past 60 years. I write for women so that we can care for ourselves and each other.  Check out my Wellness posts or add to the 100 Wisdoms of Women. 

My Featured  Posts

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